Short Term vs. Long Term Rentals

Short Term vs. Long Term Rentals

Thinking about investing in rental properties? Having a sound strategy means knowing whether the property will be rented long term or short term. Both rental types have their own advantages and disadvantages,  so it’s best if landlords are familiar with both types...
The Most Common Tenant Complaints

The Most Common Tenant Complaints

Property owners and administrators normally face an uphill battle when creating a conducive environment for tenants to live in. Most jurisdictions around the globe require landlords and property administrators to create a suitable, safe, and hygienic environment for...
Should You Remodel or Rebuild?

Should You Remodel or Rebuild?

When your home (or your rental property) begins to show signs of wear and tear, you’re often faced with making a few, rather complicated decisions. The first is whether to stay or sell. Seems simple enough. If you decide to stay, however, you must decide whether you...
How to Attract Desirable Tenants To Your Rental Property

How to Attract Desirable Tenants To Your Rental Property

Attracting desirable tenants is harder than it looks for most property owners. While there are external factors that could prevent tenants from applying for residency in your building, there also some things that are very much within your control as a property...
Big Data and Multi-Family Renovations

Big Data and Multi-Family Renovations

These days it seems like the “it” topic is big data. The creation of blockchain along with new and innovative ways to collect and record information is creating exciting conversations across all industries and property development is no exception. Contractors and...